RVO Lip Balm – A Well-Rounded Promotional Product

Posts Categorized: Case Studies

RVO Lip Balm – A Well-Rounded Promotional Product

The new RVO lip balm ball from Leashables by OraLabs is increasing in popularity due to its eye-catching design and versatility.Promotional Products with Proven Success

The brightly colored lip balm orbs are being used by just about everyone from spas to lawyers. In a case study featured in Advantages Magazine, Sara Stafford of Arthouse Inc. talked about a client using the blue razberry RVO for an event in their suite at a Cardinals baseball game. “They had them displayed in a bowl in their suite and encouraged the women to take one at the end of the game.” says Stafford, “My client even had some male attorneys request some for their clients after they heard the buzz about what was used at the game.”

This is just one of the many ways RVO lip balm is being used successfully as a promotional product.

pmegranate 846r rvo lip balm with custom logo open

Stafford said it well “It’s small, compact and works well for any age group. They are also great for golf events, table giveaways, tradeshows, and more.”

You can view the case study article from Advantages Magazine at http://advantages-digital.com/publication/frame.php?i=222510&p=&pn=&ver=flex – see page 131.


Financing/Banking Industry

Wanna know how a lip balm can impact 25,000 people?

Take a look at this quick case study on how one little lip balm met so many needs all at once.

End Buyer:

TD Bank North


Lip balm


Piggy Bank Kids Program, giveaways at Grand Openings, giveaway when opening a new account, giveaway at sponsored events


To reach as many people as possible with the TD North name/logo during an expansion period.


With an order for 25,000 lip balm, Leashables secured a new account. The end user, TD Bank had a record number of new accounts opened, and as a result have had repeat orders over the last 5 years with quantities no less than 100k pieces per order bi-annually.

Now how can we help you secure an account like that? Contact Us today to find out.

Case Study: The Food Industry

End Buyer:

Amigos Caliente, Specialty tobasco product

Goal of the event/promotion:

Enhance new product launch

Type of event/promotion:

Live event at local food fair.


Wanted an attention grabbing promotion that directly tied into the experience of the new tobasco sauce. They wanted to create a buzz and experience people will not forget even after they leave the fair.

Product Solution:

Cinnamint breath spray.


People loved the “hotness” of the spicy spray and thought it was pretty cool instead of just sampling tobasco sauce, even though that was important as well. It created a buzz the client wanted.

Case Study: The Energy Industry

As part of our ongoing series of sales case studies; today we present:


Energy Industry

End Buyer:

CHEVRON, Refineries

Goal of the event/promotion:

Promote Safety and Wellness

Type of event/promotion:

On-going promotion within organization


Wanted a practical product that directly tied into safety & wellness program. The product must be used and seen as an important part of Chevron’s initiative to protect their employees on a regular basis.

Product Solution:

Lip balm with SPF, hand sanitizer, sunscreen lotions
and travel kits.


Chevron’s safety groups especially like the sanitizer – they have reported that regular use has lowered sickness and employee sick days.

That is good for several reasons: it keeps their production lines running
smoothly, reduces accidents and errors and improves moral/productivity.

Promotional Items – Case Studies

We’re adding a new series to our blog posts: Case Studies for Sales. Personal care promotional products can be a tough pitch, we want to make it easy. Follow our series on real case studies, pitches that work, and new ideas to get your sales team revved up.

[gview file=”https://promotional.oralabs.com/blog/ppt/casestudy1.ppt”]

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