Standard Leash Colors
*Limited Colors Available for 2oz Hand Sanitizers

Standard Leash Imprint Colors

PMS Color Match & Additional Colors
**PMS color listed above is for reference only. We do not guarantee an exact match. Every attempt will be made to get as close as possible.
PMS Color Match is available on leashes for an additional charge of $35.00 (V). We will make every effort to match your requested PMS color but can not guarantee an exact match. Colors printed on different mediums (e.g. leash and label) will not be an exact match. OraLabs maintains high quality standards in all areas of our imprinting and may refuse to print something that will be of questionable quality or content.
Art File Types

Our preferred file formats is a vector file created in Adobe Illustrator (EPS, AI or PDF). Imprinted and silk screed items MUST have vector artwork. if the file format for Lip Balm, Breath Spray and labeled items is not vector or contains embedded raster images we require a minimum of 300 DPI relative the dimensions of the imprint area.
Types and Layout
Please state typeset instructions on your PO or in order comments if ordering online. Artists will use their discretion and expertise if no instructions are given. Myriad Pro will be the default font and art will be sized to the maximum imprint area unless otherwise specified. All text should be converted to outlines/curves. Type reversed out of solid colors needs to be bold or black (extra bold).
Minimum Art Guidelines
Positive imprint – 5 pt
Reverse imprint – 7 pt
Serif and italic types – 7 pt
Line weight, positive lines – .5
Line weight, reverse lines (gap) – .75
Pad Printing
Positive imprint – 6 pt
Reverse imprint – 7 pt
Serif and italic types – 7 pt
Line weight, positive lines – .5
Line weight, reverse lines (gap) – 1.2
Silk Screening
Positive imprint – 7 pt minimum
Reverse imprint – 9 pt minimum
Serif and italic types – 7 pt minimum
Line weight, positive lines – .75
Line weight, reverse lines (gap) – .75
Art Color
Labels are CMYK / 4 color process. Direct Imprint Items can only be solid spot colors: no CMYK, raster images, gradients, tints, half tones or percentages of color can be done.